【資料2】(Edward G. Viltz氏の発表)
Dear Registrar,
As you are aware PIR's original plan regarding legacy IDNs was to delete them effective February 1st. Since that time we have received multiple requests from registrars to reconsider this decision. In an effort to be responsive to you, our customers and to continue to best serve the public interest, we have decided to maintain the legacy RACE encoded IDNs in the data base until punycode equivalents are available. Details on our plan are included in the attached letter to Dr. Paul Twomey and FAQs will be posted shortly to the PIR Website for your review.
The PIR Team committed to you just about a year ago to set a new standard of customer satisfaction as an exemplary registry and to listen to your request. We trust you concur that this decision is consistent with that commitment.
Best Wishes for Success in 2004,
Edward G.Viltz
President & CEO
Public Interest Registry
2月1日をもって既存.ORG国際化ドメイン名を抹消するという予定であったということは既にご存知かと思います。その後、この決定を再検討するようにとの要請をレジストラより複数頂きました。PIRの顧客であるレジストラの要請にお応えし、また公益に対し最良の役目を果たし続けるために、PIRは既存のRACEコードで変換されている.ORGの国際化ドメイン名をPunycodeが可能となるまで、PIRのデーターベースに保持すると決定致しました。PIRの計画の詳細は添付のDr. Paul Twomey氏(ICANNのCEO)に宛てた手紙に含まれておりますし、FAQはレジストラが閲覧可能となるように近々PIRのホームページに掲載されます。
Edward G.Viltz
President & CEO
Public Interest Registry